The Red Lantern Story

How The Love For Dogs Began!

Hannah Mahoney receiving The Red Lantern Award from the 2017 Junior Iditarod.

Hannah Mahoney has spent her life surrounded by animals—especially dogs. When she was six years old, Hannah’s family hired a dog trainer to work with her and her Yellow Lab, Kodiak—and Hannah’s love for dog training was born.

Since childhood, Hannah has been involved in a variety of dog sports and has competed in numerous dog sled races including the Junior Iditarod, a 150-mile race in Alaska, when she was 17 years old.

While studying Wildlife Rehab during her freshman year of college, Hannah realized that training dogs was not only her passion but her calling in life. Hannah continued her formal education at the Tom Rose School in Missouri and at Tarheel Canine in North Carolina and received her certification as a dog trainer.

Hannah founded Red Lantern Dog Training, LLC in 2019 and continues to further her education in order to bring top quality training to her clients.

She has training and experience in:
Competitive and Pet Obedience
Scent Detection
Bite Work
and Various Other Dog Sports.

Hannah also finds time to train and compete with two of her own dogs, Kaos (a Malinois) and Blaze (a Golden Retriever) in PSA—a protection dog sport that both her dogs absolutely love.